Position Title
Mechanic Helper at Mekaniko Auto Services
- Type: Full Time
- City: Concord, Ontario
- Wage ($/hr): 28,5
- Employer Type: Business
- Published on: 2024-04-15
- Application Deadline: 2024-10-15
- Job ID: 189010424
- Job Category: Other
- Views: 9
- Retrieved on: 2024 September 05 07:47:06 PM EDT
Mekaniko Auto Services
Job Description
Review work orders and discuss work with supervisor;
Perform scheduled maintenance service;
Repair or replace mechanical units or components;
Estimate parts and labour cost to perform vehicle maintenance and repairs;
Discuss work with supervisor;
Provide customer service;
Diagnose faults and malfunctions;
Complete reports to record problems and work performed;
Road test motor vehicles;
Inspect motor in operation, road test motor vehicles and test automotive systems and components;
Confirm findings with supervisor to determine whether to repair or replace unit;
Test automotive systems and components;
Advise customers on work performed and future repair requirements;
Inspect mechanical units to locate faults and malfunctions;
Adjust, repair or replace parts and components of truck-trailer systems;
Test and adjust units to specifications;
Test and adjust repaired systems to manufacturer’s specifications;
Required languages: English
Education level: Secondary (high) school graduation certificate or equivalent experience
Required skills: Manual dexterity; Standing for extended periods; Hand-eye co-ordination; Overtime required; Attention to detail; Fast-paced environment.
Closest intersection: N/A